How to Install Rust
- Install Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- Verify installation:
rustc --version
How to Setup .env
Create a .env file in the project root:
touch .env
- Add these variables:
How to Run Commands
Use this structure:
cargo run -- [COMMAND]
Example commands: Solana single domain:
cargo run -- solana <amount_in> <token_in> <token_out> <amount_out> <timeout>
Ethereum single domain:
cargo run -- ethereum <token_in> <amount_in> <token_out> <amount_out> <timeout>
Requesting API Keys
Please fill out this form to request Mantis API keys.
Explorer for Rollup
We’re using Solana explorers:
WS: [ws://]
RPC: []
Faucet: []
RPC: []
WS: []
Explorer #1: []
How to Deploy Smart Contracts on the Mantis Rollup
Contracts deployment works exactly the same as on Solana, but notice that working with the chain and the SPL contracts may be different (see the section below).
Mantis contracts are deployed to the Solana blockchain the same way as other Solana programs (or smart contracts). Download and run the script in order to install the Solana CLI. More details can be found here.
Once the Solana CLI is installed, it can be used to deploy programs to the blockchain with the following command:
solana program deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>
Here, <PROGRAM_FILEPATH> is the executable to be deployed. Optionally, the –-program-id parameter can be used to provide a path to a JSON file containing a keypair which should be used for deployment. See here for more details.
A quick guide on how to develop a Solana program is available here.
Chain-Specific Changes
Mantis is a fork of Jito, which means it supports some features of Jito such as transaction bundles that can be useful for an MEV rollup..
Also, Mantis uses a modified version of SPL programs, in particular, spl-token: it adds an additional `supply_on_l1` field to the Mint account of a token that is used to render the proper amount on the UI when dealing with rebased tokens.